The craze over the Gucci USA Flagship opening was unprecedented. Many people wanted to see the store, but most wanted to grab one of the coveted Gucci Loves New York bags. This limited edition line of bags are completely sold out, but the excitement surrounding the store still exists. Today we wound down with a trip to Gucci, as it is about half a block away from our hotel. The store is HUGE. Floor one carried many bags, but floor two and three did not disappoint either. The thing is, lately I have not had much love for Gucci. The brand is one of the most recognized luxury houses in the world, and while their ready-to-wear has been amazing, the handbags have been lacking that special touch that I need. The Hysteria line brings a fresh touch to Gucci, giving it the extra nudge that it needed to get me back on board. The Gucci Hysteria line drops the expected Gucci GG logo and brings in the family crest. The emblem adds the perfect touch that is not expected but much appreciated. And with New York being the new US Gucci flagship, the handbag selection is to die for. I have never seen so many exotic Gucci handbags. Everywhere we turned there were ostrich bags, python jackets, and crocodile skins. My absolute favorite was the $300,000 Gucci Crocodile Trunk. The trunk is a taupe crocodile and a stunning collectors piece (not to mention it is the only one of its kind). Going along with the crocodile craze, Gucci took one of its best bags of the season and dressed it up in yellow crocodile, creating the Gucci Crocodile Hysteria Bag. This is unlike any other Gucci bag I have seen in the longest time. The crocodile is buttery soft as it is taken from the belly of the crocodile. The inside is lined with goatskin that is even more supple. In fact, if they could make me a big pillow out of this exact material that would be heaven. This bag had the perfect slouch, the perfect chic feel, and the color was stunning. Only problem (for me at least) is the $37,500 price tag. I love this bag, love it so very much, but the price tag is way out of my range. Instead I could settle with the goatskin version ($1950). Saks also offers a python version for $3990 and a patent version for $1790 via Saks.