It would be a blatant lie if any girl were to say she does not want at least one top of the line designer handbag. But reality sets in, and the thoughts of spending thousands on some fabric and a zipper seems to make everyone cringe and only lust for the bag more.
Why spend $5,000 on a designer Prada clutch, when you can buy it for $50 on the streets of NYC? Although many want to sport the latest and most expensive handbag, most cannot afford it. So this is where replicas come in. Is a replica purse actually a morality issue? I think not. Although designer’s may be mad their purse is being knocked off and sold on the streets, I would hope some would find it flattering that their design is that wanted. So why not?
The idea of one day reaching the level of success at which I can spend exorbitant amounts of money on designer clothing, purses, wallets and jewelry is a goal that I, along with many of my femme friends, hope to achieve. However, in this glorious day of the 21st century, I can find these normally-expensive items for much lesser quality and price.
Thank God for Chinatown.
Why spend $5,000 on a designer Prada clutch, when you can buy it for $50 on the streets of NYC? Although many want to sport the latest and most expensive handbag, most cannot afford it. So this is where replicas come in. Is a replica purse actually a morality issue? I think not. Although designer’s may be mad their purse is being knocked off and sold on the streets, I would hope some would find it flattering that their design is that wanted. So why not?
The idea of one day reaching the level of success at which I can spend exorbitant amounts of money on designer clothing, purses, wallets and jewelry is a goal that I, along with many of my femme friends, hope to achieve. However, in this glorious day of the 21st century, I can find these normally-expensive items for much lesser quality and price.
Thank God for Chinatown.